Chasing the sun with my son. Day 19 Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge

Do you and your children like to get up in the morning? Do you remember how it felt to be sleepy first few hours at school? Have a look how you can be refreshed by bonding with your kids and watching sunrise together. Try Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge and you may fall in love with getting up early.  Yead, it did happen to me and my kids. I was a night owl, not anymore.

Today, First time me and my son were actually watching together the real sunrise. We saw a bit of the magic of the Civil Twilight too. My kids have joined Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge few times with me, but we were never lucky enough to see the full magic that is happening on the sky with the sun rising on the horizon. Finally, we did it!

Photos of the day 19 of Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge were taken just with my phone today, Friday 9.9.2016 6:52am (time of sunrise in Dublin today was 6:49am).


Do you feel that it is too early to get up and watch the sunrise? Dont worry! The sun is rising everyday one or two minutes later now, so have a look at internet and check sunrise times in your city. You may find out that in few weeks you will have to wake up only few minutes earlier to catch the sun rising and it will be possible to for you to watch the magic of sunrise.

My kids usually don’t want to get up in the morning, but when it comes to some morning adventure, they are not complaining. Early mornings spent with your family have many benefits. Have a look at my article  Wild mushrooms picking early in the morning. Day 10 Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge

Today morning, I just wake up my younger son and told him: ” Come on quickly, I have to show you something.” It didn’t take much persuading and we were outside just in few minutes. Some clouds on the sky were already starting to look pink. As we walk to the sea-side, the colors on the sky were changing and I was little bit worried that we will be late and miss the best magic on the sky. My son was very excited, he let his imagination run wild free about what was happening on the sky and he talked a lot. He insisted on running and walking faster so we would not miss anything. We were both chasing the sun. Yeaaah!!

Exercise of the day:

Well, we were walking and running, but that is not all. While we were waiting for the sun to show at the horizon, we have done some exercise too. My sun was trying to record some video of me doing exercise and he also took some pictures of me. He was very happy, running around, making fun of kung fu movies, trying to copy a pose from Karate kid. Laughing is very good exercise for our health and we all need happy moments with family. It was amazing experience for both of us.


Don’t hesitate and try it with your kids! It is never too late to join Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge! Have fun with the sun, discover the beauty of the nature and experience something new during your morning walks to capture sunrise.

The rules of the challenge are wide open, you can pick your own goals, do it in your own time and even focus on the health part and use old photos.

Have a look at the list of goals and more details about Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge in the introduction article.

Caroline’s 30 days sunrise photo and health challenge: Introduction

Link your blog post about your day 19 of the challenge to this article by commenting below and by adding link to my introduction article to your blog post. Help spread the word by sharing and tweeting. Have a look at my Twitter and Facebook pages, I am sharing all your contribution to the challenge.

Have a look at articles from people who joined us for 19th day of the challenge:

Have a lool at article from boger Nezel, she also write about benefits of sunrise and family  morning time: ( )

( When you will complete your day 19 of the challenge, I will add link to your 19th day blog post here.)

I am looking forward to read your blog post and see your wonderful pictures.

Let me know what you think in comments.


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5 Responses to Chasing the sun with my son. Day 19 Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge

  1. Rachel McKee says:

    Beautiful how you captured two So(u)ns in the same picture.🌅

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Caroline’s 30 days sunrise photo and health challenge: Introduction | Petra Omoregie Caroline

  3. Very nice photos! And your son is great! It’s really a great bonding watching together something beautiful unfolding before us.

    Liked by 1 person

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