Day 5 Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge: Preparation for sunrise photoshoot on Charles bridge in Prague

It has been ten days since we have started Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge. Would you like to get some beautiful picture of sunrise? Today I am going to give you some tips where and how you can do a morning sunrise photoshoot. You may be waiting for the perfect opportunity to take the photo for few days, so do not give up. Some people completed 4 days of the challenge already and published articles about it. Well done! Congratulations to all of you who completed one day or more. Well done to all of you who at least tried, even if you havent told us about it. Maybe you are thinking about joining us, but the sun has been hiding. Every attempts counts! I have completed 8 days so far and written about 4 days so far. Today I am going to share my experience with you and tell you all about my day 5 of the challenge.

Waiting for sunrise on Charles bridge (Karluv most) in Prague at 5 am.

me waiting sunrise

My day 5 of the challenge started with driving a car from Lipova – lazne (village near Jesenik) to Prague. It was very long trip, because we also went to see Kostnice in Kutna Hora on the way to Prague. When you want to take exceptional photo of sunrise, it will take some preparation and you may have to travel a bit too.

  1. Pick an attractive interesting place: Think about famous and attractive places near your house that tourist like to visit, for example statues, bridges, famous buildings, lakes, river. One of the places in the Czech republic that I picked is Charles bridge in Prague. Just a thought about sunrise photo of Charles bridge was exciting enough for me. I googled images of Charles bridge at sunrise to see where the sun will be rising.
  2. Find out how long it will take you to get to the place. It is easy to search the internet and find what time exactly is sunrise, but to be there in time is not an easy task. Bus or train may not be going there early in the morning, so you may have to walk, ride a bike or find some way how to get to the place that you chose. You can do the measuring during rainy day, when there are many clouds and the sun is hiding or even at night. I went to see the Charles bridge in the evening before my photoshoot of sunrise.
  3. Find the best angle to take a photo of your chosen subject. Take few pictures to find the best angle. I took pictures of Charles bridge at sunset and at night and I also asked people where the sunrise will appear. There were many photographers with triads so I talked to them about it. It was amazing to meet people with the same obsession (sunset and sunrise photos).


Charles bridge at sunset


Picture taken from Charles bridge, Prazsky hrad ( Prague castle )


Picture taken from Charles bridge: The white dots in the photo are flies reflecting the light which is coming from under the bridge.


Moon and statue on Charles bridge





Health and Exercise of the day:

Walking nearly two hours in Prague, taking photos that was a lot of healthy exercising. I was very tired and got good sleep. When you manage to go sleep early every day, you will be waking up easily and with happiness. I used to hate mornings. Do you know the feeling when you open your eyes and you don’t want to get up, because the bed is so cozy and you just like it too much. Maybe you still feel tired and want to get more sleep but your responsibilities are calling you, so you are just annoyed when you finally get up? I know the feeling. Its gone. I love my mornings and my obsession with sunrise photos brings me happiness everyday. Try it few times and feel the difference in your life.

The next day in Caroline’s sunrise photo and health you will see sunrise photos taken from Charles bridge. Dont forget that the rules of the challenge are wild open and that you can pick your own goals, do it in your own time and even focus on the health part and use old photos. Have a look at the list of goals and more details about Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge in the introduction article.

Caroline’s 30 days sunrise photo and health challenge: Introduction

Link your day 5 to this article by commenting below and by adding link to my introduction article to your blog post. Help spread the word by sharing and tweeting. Have a look at my Twitter and Facebook pages, I am sharing all your contribution to the challenge.

Have a look at articles from people who joined us for 5th day of the challenge:

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( When you will complete your day five of the challenge, I will add link to your day five blog post here.)

I am looking forward to read your blog post and see your wonderful pictures.

Let me know what you think in comments.




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8 Responses to Day 5 Caroline’s sunrise photo and health challenge: Preparation for sunrise photoshoot on Charles bridge in Prague

  1. The next time you bring me to sè sun rise at Charles Bridge, if we do it on 21st December we might be able to get long sleep the night before. 🤔

    Liked by 3 people

  2. catmichaelswriter says:

    LOL. I live in the woods and have not been able to find a spot between the leaves for a pretty shot. Great photography tips! I feel inspired-:D

    Liked by 1 person

    • I believe that one day you will find some nice reflection of the sun on the trees around you and take some nice picture. Just keep walking and looking, you will get some fresh air and some exercise. I will be going in the woods too one day. I would love to get a photo of the morning sunlight in the trees which looks like from fairy tales. Try it.. the shots doesn’t have to be too pretty. We are all blogging and learning to use our own photos to make our blog posts more interesting. Participating in this challenge is good and healthy way of learning 🙂


  3. SherryB says:

    That Charles Bridge photo at sunset is lovely. I’ve been up at sunrise a couple of times this week but the sky has just been a bit meh. I guess I ought to actually GO somewhere to get the sunrise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, my intention is to get you all walk and chase the sun everywhere so you get some fresh air, some exercise, propably fail few times to get the sunrise and then one day get sooo exited when you actually take nice shot of sunrise. Things like, cloudy sky, bad weather or nothing interesting around you just make it all more challenging. Taking photos at Charles bridge was a big event for me, but the challenge can be done just with your morning cup of coffee and the reflection of sun on the things around you. When someone would like to take it to perfection, there is a lot to explore and a lot to write about on the journey to get perfect sunrise photo.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Many couples travel to get wedding photos in Prague: Slowly walking bride with sunrise reflecting on her dress. | Petra Omoregie Caroline

  5. Your photos are getting more amazing! In my day 5 it looks like I am getting the most out of the clouds. Here it is.

    Caroline’s 30 Days Sunrise Photo And Health Challenge: Day 5

    Liked by 1 person

  6. harmoney says:

    Some beautiful pics here and Prague is such a beautiful City. I’m focusing on where I can get to from my own home without needing to drive. I do love being out so early although – I get back into bed when I get home 🙂
    Day 5


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