
Welcome to my blog!201424Sep_2243

My name is Petra and I like to use the name Caroline as my pseudo name. It seems that I like to confuse people, because everyone ask me: “Should I call you Petra or Caroline?” When I was 9 years old I wrote my first book (in Czech language) and the name of main character is Karolina. (Czech version of the name Caroline.) I am working on a book now and one of the main characters has name Caroline too. Only few people read first few pages from the draft of my book and all of them asked me the same question: “Is Caroline in the book YOU?” The answer to that is: Karolina, Caroline and ME Caroline are 3 very different people. I just love the name. So don’t hesitate to call me Caroline or Petra if you like.

Despite the fact that my first language is Czech I decided to write my blog in English. In 2008 I relocated from the Czech republic to Ireland. At the time my English was very basic. I remember that it was very hard for me to fill any form, because I did not know what to write in the box for first name, second name and surname. The weather in Ireland was quite colder than I expected in August, so I went to the shop to buy some sweater. A lady, worker at the shop, asked me if I need any help. I said: “Yes I would like to be hot.” She showed me some sexy night wear. I was staring at her and thinking: “Is this what Irish wear when its cold outside?How this would keep me warm?” Yeah, funny was my English. I was looking for a sweater and did not know what the word ‘hot’ mean in that contest.

Well, I study and study and my English language is still not perfect.201424Sep_2248 And sometimes it can be funny. But I am improving month by month. In 2012 I started study Business and management at Dublin Institute of Technology. It is really hard for me to study and learn in English. I am full-time student, single mum, in country without my parents to help me mind my kids, so I have very busy life. I know many bloggers have the goal to write a post everyday. Well, my goal is just to write, anytime as much as I can.


And no matter how busy my life is I will keep writing and never give up or abandon my blog. So if you are waiting for a post in category that you like a little bit longer, just bare with me please.



Little bit about some Categories and what I write about in each of them:

Little photoshoots in Fairview park:

Fairview park is very close to my house and I go there with my kids and with our dog quite often. We meet many dogs and I like to take pictures of dogs in action and write little articles about it. Link to this category:


Painting exercise:

I would like to do a little quick oil painting exercise everyday and write about it. It takes about 40 to 60 minutes to do the exercise. Then I would take a picture, edit the picture, add water mark and download it to my WordPress page. It would take me at least 2 hours to write few sentences about it and post it. It is really hard to find 3 hour everyday to do this, but it is my goal to do painting exercise everyday. I just have to keep trying. Here is link to this category, you can have a look what I have done so far:


Happy kids:

In this category I would like to write everything related to kids, parenting and school events. For example photoshoots with kids.


Art competition:

I support charity called “SAVE THE FROGS.” All events and activities related to the art contest will be in this category.

My blogging journey:

If you want to know more about me, this category is just for you. I write here about how and why I started blogging, who influenced me. You can also find some blogging tips here:

My blogging journey part 1: Inspired by Clare with the Hair

That was just few words about some of my categories. Have a look at the HOME page for more.

My thoughts and what I wrote at the day I created this blog:

Sometimes it is good to stop, take a deep breath and do something you love, even if it is just for few minutes. It took me so many years to realize that. And here I am, finally doing what I love…writing and taking pictures, documenting everything for you so I can share everything with you …my paintings, drawings, photographs, projects and all the little creations that me, my kids, my friends and even our dog are part of.

Am I an artist?

I think everyone who can hold a brush can paint. Few years ago I saw dolphin painting picture. Yeah, really. It was in Spain on holiday with my kids. We saw lovely dolphin show and the dolphin painted quite nice picture. I don’t know if it was acrylics or oil, don’t ask me that question. But is he an artist or just painter? And here we are. Everyone can paint but not everyone can be a good artist. In my heart I proudly see myself as an artist. I studied some art at school and I got leaving certificate from practical art. I learned at school how to teach young people and children paint , draw and how to be creative. I worked about a year as teacher on primary school in the Czech republic and I used some of my creative skills when I was working as manager in sales and marketing. But just recently, in March 2015 I started to paint regularly. I really enjoy it. It helps me relax and clear my mind, express my feelings and bring happiness to my heart and for others.

I believe that an artist was born inside me this year in March like a little seed that was planted and wants to grow.

You can witness and be part of my change from painter to an artist here on this blog and on my other social media. Let me know what you think or feel about my work and my art. And if you think you are an artist too, or on the way to be an artist, connect with me and lets share our experiences and support each other.

Everything has its beginning, lets start the journey….

Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/OmoregiePetra

Have a look at photos and follow my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petraomoregie/

Like my Facebook page and you can also send me a personal message there (I will get it on my phone):


Send me a friend request on my Facebook Profile:  https://www.facebook.com/petra.omoregie.7 I like networking and meeting new people online. Lets connect!

When you “google” my name you will find all my social media.

Thank you for reading my blog. Say hello and let me know what you think in comments.



20 Responses to About

  1. Ritu says:

    Here is the link of the post for the award, congratulations you have been nominated. Go through the link, and prepare your post for the award and let me know when you are done. I will be glad to know more about you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. SheryL♥ says:

    Hi Petra! Thanks for the follow! Interesting blog! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. simpledimple says:

    Such and interesting ‘about’ page. Your last name? Sounded so familiar that I wanted to know more about it but only if you don’t mind. Thanks a bunch for the follow and visits to my blog. Much appreciated. Cheers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shadeau says:

    What a delightful story about shopping for a “hot” sweater!!! I wish you ALL the BEST as you blog with the rest of us 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, once in a while I still have some fun with my English and my blog needs lots of proof reading, ha. Anyway I am still anjoying blogging and hopefuly my English is improving. Thank you for stopping by and for reading my “About ” page. Good luck with your blogging and am sending one huge blessing… 🙂


      • Shadeau says:

        I think “language”–even when we get things wrong–is a wonderful way that people connect 🙂 Do you want people to correct mistakes they read on your blog–or just leave it alone? I don’t ever want to offend people 🙂 Thank you for the “huge blessing”–I love it!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I like constructive feedback or when people let me know that some link is not working. Some topics, for example dog training or dog socializing may bring some negative arguments, but people rarely comment something negative. There are few people that text me in personal message when they see a spelling mistake on my blog, I like that. I also have a friend that comes and once in while goes over the posts with me and help me to correct spelling mistakes or even rewrite some sentences. So posts that are less than week old on my blog havent been proof read yet. I am not too stressed about my spelling because I see many bloggers making spelling mistakes on their blogs everyday.. I am happy that you replied to my comments. Thank you 🙂


      • Shadeau says:

        Most welcome 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Petra, thank you for liking my post on Hippach’s blog! I saw you are from Ireland. I LOVE Ireland! Nice to meet you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you 🙂 I am happy we found each other. I love horses and art as well, we have so much in common. I love your sketches of horses. Yeah I have been in Ireland last 8 years, but I am originally from the Czech republic. I will keep eye on your blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes I read that you are from the Czech republic 🙂 Thank you for you compliments!! I too am happy we found each other. Horses and art ❤ and Ireland. I love your art too 🙂 I am following you too, so I will keep updated on your posts 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much for joining my blog. You have a wonderful blog. 🙂 I am glad to connect.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi, Petra. I’ve invited you to take part in the Three Day Quote Challenge. If you’re interested the instructions are in my post today. I hope you will take the challenge. Thanks, Petra!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Howling Wheels Adventures has new YouTube channel – Howling Wheels Adventures

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